Lessons in Revenue

Demand vs. Occupancy Forecast

Demand and occupancy forecasts share one important goal: providing the foresight and insights hoteliers need. This enables them to capture the optimal business mix that maximizes revenue and profitability across the property. To optimize performance, hoteliers require a keen understanding of both types of forecasts.

Page 1 - Table of Contents Page 2 - A Tale of Two Forecasts Page 3 - What Is a Demand Forecast? Page 4 - What Is an Occupancy Forecast? Page 5 - Building the Demand Forecast Data Inputs Page 6 - Building the Demand Forecast Data Inputs Page 7 - Building the Demand Forecast Data Inputs Page 8 - Which Factors Influence Demand? Page 9 - Which Factors Influence Demand? Page 10 - Getting a Detailed View with Bottom-Up Forecasting Page 11 - Automating the Revenue Optimization Cycle Page 12 - Optimizing Revenue Performance with Demand Forecasts Page 13 - Optimizing Revenue Performance with Demand Forecasts Page 14 - Optimizing Operational Performance with Occupancy Forecasts Page 15 - Forecasting a Holistic View of Financial Performance Page 16 - Measuring Forecast Accuracy and Performance Page 17 - Innovative Forecasting Features in Revenue Technology Page 18 - Innovative Forecasting Features in Revenue Technology Page 19 - The Forecast Calls for Shifting Roles in Revenue Management Page 20 - Conclusion

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