Lessons in Revenue

Group Pricing and Profitability Strategy

Learn how the right tools and organizational approach can transform group business profitability.

Page 2 - Table of Contents Page 3 - A New Direction in Group Revenue Management Page 4 - Group Pricing Trends - Demand Is Off the Hook Page 5 - Group Pricing Trends - Demand Is Off the Hook Page 6 - Aligning the Team on Shared Objectives Page 7 - Aligning the Team on Shared Objectives Page 8 - Groupthink - Obstacles to Effective Decision Making Page 9 - Groupthink - Obstacles to Effective Decision Making Page 10 - Group or Transient - The Age-old Dilemma Page 11 - Group or Transient - The Age-old Dilemma Page 12 - 10 Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business Page 13 - 10 Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business Page 14 - 10 Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business Page 15 - 10 Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business Page 16 - 10 Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business Page 17 - Better Evaluations Better Decisions Page 18 - Power Tools - The Technology Driving Group Performance Page 19 - Power Tools - The Technology Driving Group Performance Page 20 - So Much Group Demand Such Limited Space Page 21 - Conclusion

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