Back to the Futurecasting

By , Principal Industry Consultant


Similar to Brown & McFly, hotel revenue managers & marketers join forces to pack a profitable punch

Blog Soundbites:

  • As industry data proliferates, so do the costs associated with acquiring guests
  • Futurecasting not only maximizes profitability, but also secures guest loyalty
  • Technology takes hotels from predicting a future to prescribing how to achieve it

“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”

Those famous words were spoken by a confident Doc Brown as his time-travelling DeLorean careened into the future. Doc and Marty McFly were quite the dynamic duo and, thanks to some seriously cool inventions and a great deal of intuition, these two always achieved their desired outcome in the end.

There are some interesting parallels between the adventures of Doc and Marty, and that of hotels optimizing profits through their marketing and revenue management strategies.

While hotels can’t go back in time (or forward) to arrive at their optimal strategy, there are things hotels are doing in the present to make for the most positive impacts on their future.

Our previous blog gave a quick introduction on the strategic practice of “futurecasting” that gives hotels the power to integrate predictive demand intelligence data from thousands of online travel sites into their marketing and revenue strategy.

Hotels taking advantage of this industry-first technology are quickly seeing how this new layer of insight—when aligned to marketing efforts and revenue strategy—can greatly impact a hotel’s bottom line.

I can’t help but compare Doc’s analytical, intellectual character with today’s revenue manager, and Marty McFly’s rash, instinctive persona with the marketers of the world. Both, when working in isolation, appear to trip over themselves; however, when working together (with cutting-edge technology, mind you) they pack quite a punch.

The same can be said for revenue management and marketing teams leveraging the power of futurecasting to shape their hotel’s future. As data continues to proliferate, so do the costs associated with acquiring guests.

Futurecasting, akin to the lightning bolt or “one point twenty-one gigawatts,” propels a hotel’s channel performance strategy into the future. It ensures you’re not only maximizing profitability, but also providing your guests with the unique experiences they expect in order to secure their loyalty.

Predictive demand intelligence provides the foundation hotels need to drive an ideal marketing and revenue strategy. Aligning both marketing and revenue management goals creates a culture that meets and exceeds business objectives.

And leveraging that data in concert with an aligned strategy—all within an automated revenue management solution (RMS)—takes hotels from predicting a future to prescribing exactly what they need to achieve their ideal future.

You don’t need to invent the “flux capacitor” to control your destiny. All you need is an automated RMS that doesn’t rely on the constraints of manual rules to create, deploy and maintain an ideal channel performance strategy with your hotel’s optimal profitability in mind.

Let’s add a slight amendment to the eccentric Doc Brown’s quote from earlier: “Rules? Where we’re going we don’t need rules!”

That’s because a sophisticated RMS with the ability to futurecast is our industry’s ride to the profit performance of the future.

Blake Madril
Principal Industry Consultant

Blake is responsible for helping clients of IDeaS implement revenue technology and optimize profitability. Before joining IDeaS, Blake worked for individual hotel properties and a corporate management team. His roles ranged from operations manager to convention services director to corporate director of revenue management.

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