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Revenue management technology is a fine weave of art and science in the powerful gift of analytics. By pairing the inputs and core analytical capabilities…
Leading revenue management solution providers know the importance that using the right data has on your revenue performance results. Your RMS technology will continue to incorporate different…
If the ‘sport’ of revenue management was similar to the sport of golf, mulligans would come up clutch for today’s revenue managers. Unfortunately, in the…
With end-of-the-year holiday parties in a full festive swing this season, hoteliers find themselves in a prime position take maximum advantage of the group opportunities…
Revenue managers across the globe spend large portions of their days managing rates. They are constantly lowering, raising, analyzing and even dreaming about their hotel’s…
For the fifth gift of revenue management, my RMS gave to me online reputation insights Remote accessibility Experienced client support teams On-demand performance support And…
For the fourth gift of revenue management, my RMS gave to me remote accessibility Experienced client support teams On-demand performance support And a dashboard with…
Successful hotels connect with their guests on meaningful levels, with designated hotel experts interacting with visitors at various touch points during their stay. The valet…
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