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Blockchain Mainstream

Is 2019 the Year Blockchain Goes Mainstream?

    We may not see a big blockchain splash into hospitality anytime soon, but it’s making major waves Back in November, I wrote a…

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Game of Thrones Blog

Revenue Management Is…A Game of Thrones?

  The seven Game of Thrones character traits I look for in a revenue manager While it may feel like spring, winter is here… And…

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Client Culture

Building a Client-Centric Culture and the Art of High Retention

  From the C-suite to the summer interns, everyone must live, breathe, and eat client satisfaction Okay, maybe eating client satisfaction is a stretch, but…

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Women in Tech Blog 2

Twice in a (Work) Lifetime – A Tale of Two Tech Companies

  A brief look at two chapters from my tech career and a few things about those companies that made all the difference In a marketing…

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ITB Berlin 2019 Blog

Responsible Personalization, Seamless Intelligence and the Road to Nowhere – Dispatch from ITB Berlin

  Another ITB Berlin behind us, another fresh look ahead at key trends in hospitality and travel Why do over 160,000 hospitality experts from 180+ countries every year brave packed, cavernous…

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Have you noticed? Resorts Are Getting Personal.

See how resorts are tapping into personalized pricing without using all your personal data My work on the IDeaS Consulting Services team took me to…

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ROI Revenue Management Blog

Demonstrating ROI in Revenue Management Technology

  Hoteliers, take note, you may be underestimating the true worth of your RMS investment The revenue management system (RMS) plays a crucial role in…

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Magic Technology Connected Customer Blog

The Magic of Technology & The Connected Customer

  Deluged by ever-growing oceans of data, we must trust technology and automation to keep us afloat and better serve the connected customer As we…

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