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Bridging the Industry With Neil Corr

   Consulting Services answers recent client questions about hotel revenue management Neil Corr, IDeaS senior advisor, discusses what the industry is talking about in 2018. Since…

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The Future of Revenue Management Series: Total Hotel Revenue Management

This is the final series video about the future of revenue management, as moderated by Sherri Kimes, professor of operations management at Cornell’s School of…

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To Book or To Stay: That is the Question

  Whether ‘tis nobler in revenue strategy to suffer the reservations and upgrades of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of data,…

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Bridging the Industry

  Consulting Services answers recent client questions about hotel revenue management  Digna Martinez Kolar, IDeaS director, industry consulting, talks about what revenue management culture is…

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Component Rooms: Another Step toward Personalizing the Guest Experience

  Pricing guest rooms for all guest types Component rooms is a mix of guest rooms that can be converted into various combinations to form…

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The Future of Revenue Management Series: Pricing

This is the fourth in a series of five videos about the future of revenue management, as moderated by Sherri Kimes, professor of operations management…

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Meet IDeaS New Chief Evangelist

  Discover what this new role for IDeaS entails and how it impacts the industry It is important to listen and distill the information into…

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The Future of Revenue Management Series: Performance Measurement

This is the third in a series of five videos about the future of revenue management, as moderated by Sherri Kimes, professor of operations management…

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