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Dorint wählt IDeaS, um erweiterte RMS-Funktionen in das wachsende Portfolio aufzunehmen

LONDON, 17. Februar 2025 –  Dorint, eines der größten und etabliertesten deutschen Hotelunternehmen in der DACH-Region, hat sich mit dem SAS-Unternehmen IDeaS zusammengeschlossen, einem  der weltweit…


IDeaS erzielt Rekordumsatz in der DACH-Region und beschleunigt seine Expansion

Berlin, 20 November 2024 – IDeaS, ein SAS-Unternehmen und der weltweit führende Anbieter von Software und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Revenue Management im Gastgewerbe, hat bekannt…


Titanic Hotels setzt auf IDeaS G3 RMS zur Umsatzmaximierung im gesamten deutschen Hotelportfolio

LONDON, 26 September 2024 – Titanic Hotels, eine führende Hotelkette, die sowohl in der Türkei als auch in Deutschland vertreten ist, hat sich mit IDeaS,…


IDeaS startet neue App zur mobilen Preisgestaltung für kleine, unabhängige Hotels in Deutschland

Die praktische, unkomplizierte mobile Anwendung ermöglicht Hoteliers eine effektive Preisgestaltung ohne PMS-Integration BERLIN — 22. Juli 2024 — IDeaS, ein Unternehmen von SAS und weltweiter…

Brera Serviced Apartments

Brera Serviced Apartments geht zur Verbesserung seiner Wachstumsstrategie Partnerschaft mit IDeaS Revenue Solutions ein

Die in Deutschland niedergelassene Apartment-Hotelgruppe wird IDeaS G3 RMS an sechs Standorten implementieren, um ihre Cluster Revenue Management-Strategie zu optimieren. LONDON–8. Sept. 2021–IDeaS, ein SAS-Unternehmen…

Stoney Creek

Stoney Creek Hospitality geht Partnerschaft mit IDeaS für automatisierte Effizienz in Portfolio mit 14 Hotels ein

Die im Mittleren Westen ansässige Hotelgruppe priorisiert automatisiertes Revenue Management bei ihrer digitalen Transformation und wählt IDeaS G3 RMS zur Steigerung ihrer Rentabilität MINNEAPOLIS— 10.…

Hospitality Tech Hub

Hospitality Technology Hub startet als virtuelles Forum von IDeaS, begleitend zur ITB 2021

Der Hospitality Technology Hub von IDeaS bringt die führenden Technologieanbieter und Berater der Branche zusammen, um Hoteliers bei einer schnellen Erholung ihres Geschäfts und bei…


IDeaS kündigt Fabian Specht Future Revenue Innovator-Stipendium mit EHL an

Stipendium der EHL Hotelfachschule zu Ehren des Vermächtnisses des verstorbenen Vice President von IDeaS für die EMEA-Region, Fabian Specht LONDON – 30. September 2020 – IDeaS, Anbieter…


IDeaS erweitert Plattform für Erfassung von Total Revenue Forecasting und transformiert damit Planung und Budgetierung von Hotels

Durch Automatisierung und Vorhersagen mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden ermöglicht IDeaS RevPlan™ Hotels einen vorausschauenden Plan für Gesamtumsatz und Budgets auf der Grundlage von datengestützten Fakten zu…


HotelTechAwards 2020: IDeaS erhält Auszeichnung für beste Revenue Management Software und bekommt People’s Choice Award verliehen

Basierend auf Bewertungen von Hoteliers zur Benutzerfreundlichkeit, ROI, Implementierung und Support, behauptet IDeaS seine führende Position im Hotel Tech Report. Twittern Sie die Nachricht: @IDeaS_RevOpt…


Profitabilität und der menschliche Faktor

Keynote von IDeaS-Chief Evangelist Klaus Kohlmayr fordert ein Umdenken in der Hotellerie Für die Nutzbarmachung von großen Datenmengen haben heute viele alte Systeme ausgedient, der…


Sprachassistent liest morgendliche Geschäftsberichte vor

Für Manager in der Hotellerie hat sich der tägliche Abruf von Business-Reports enorm vereinfacht. Fragen statt suchen spart Zeit und Kapazitäten. Business-Kommandos zur Sprachsteuerung von…


Es wird Zeit für eine Weiterentwicklung der Preisgestaltung

Panel-Diskussion von IDeaS Revenue Solutions auf dem ITB Hospitality Tech Forum am 8. März 2018 widmet sich dem “Customer Choice Pricing”  MINNEAPOLIS – 14. Februar 2018…


Neue Studie zeigt: Hotelbetreiber fürchten Roboter, halten künstliche Intelligenz für die Personalisierung aber für unerlässlich

London, Großbritannien – Laut einem Whitepaper von SiteMinder und IDeaS Revenue Solutions fürchten sich Hotelbetreiber zwar vor einer Zukunft, in der Roboter immer mehr Arbeit übernehmen.…

Keine Zeit verlieren mit dem IDeaS Revenue Management System: „Auswirkungen sind schnell sichtbar.“

Das Platzl Hotel in München kann seine Umsätze bereits drei Monate nach der Implementierung von IDeaS RMS im Vergleich zum Vorjahr steigern. Das RM-Team gewinnt…


Mehr als 10.000 Hotels weltweit vertrauen auf die fortschrittlichen Analysetools von IDeaS für zuverlässiges Revenue Management

Bei Revenue-Management-Software ist IDeaS die Marke, der die meisten Hotels vertrauen: 2017 ist ein äußerst dynamisches Jahr mit erheblichem Wachstum MINNEAPOLIS, 2. Nov. 2017 – Hotelmanager…


AccorHotels beauftragt IDeaS mit erweiterter Ertragsstrategie für sein weltweites Hotelnetzwerk

MINNEAPOLIS – 20. JUNI 2017 – AccorHotels Group und IDeaS Revenue Solutions haben ihre Zusammenarbeit angekündigt. Die Häuser der AccorHotels Group können damit ab sofort…


Durch die Akquisition von Smart Space hilft IDeaS Hoteliers, die Einnahmen aus Gruppen, Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen zu optimieren

Event Manager können zur mühelosen Planung, Verwaltung und Preisgestaltung ihrer Veranstaltungsflächen Lösungen für dynamische Daten und visuelle Analysen einsetzen MINNEAPOLIS – 28. März 2017 – Am…


nSight for IDeaS™ verhilft Hoteliers zu profitableren Buchungen mit vorausschauenden Daten zu Reiseplänen

Der führende Anbieter von Pricing und Revenue Management Software nutzt Auswertungen von Reisedaten und Online-Nachfrage-Daten, um Hoteliers einen exklusiven Wettbewerbsvorteil zu bieten. Berlin, der 20.…


IDeaS überzeugt Sorell Hotels mit exakten Forecasts

Schweizer Hotelgruppe etabliert in allen Häusern die fortschrittliche Revenue Management-Kultur von IDeaS. Berlin, 1. September 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, der führende Anbieter von Pricing…


Lindner Hotels & Resorts wählt IDeaS G3 RMS für die Steigerung seiner Revenue Performance

Die führende Vier-Sterne-Hotelgruppe stellt das Revenue Management in allen Häusern auf IDeaS G3 RMS um Düsseldorf, 21. März 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, der führende…


Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences wählt IDeaS für die Verbesserung der Umsatzentwicklung

Die führende österreichische Hotelgruppe setzt IDeaS G3 RMS zum Start in zehn Hotelanlagen ein Berlin, 1. März 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, der führende Anbieter…


DORMERO-Hotel-Gruppe setzt IDeaS Revenue Management System ein

Regional führende Hotelgruppe erreicht bessere Ergebnisse mit ausgefeilter Revenue Management-Lösung Berlin, 25. Januar 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions , der führende Anbieter von Pricing und Revenue Management…


Statler Hotel renews collaboration with IDeaS, adopts latest revenue management system

IDeaS G3 RMS offers hoteliers unparalleled capabilities in analytics, pricing and controls MINNEAPOLIS – January 14, 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of…


IDeaS revenue management curriculum now free to academic institutions

IDeaS continues commitment to preparing the revenue management leaders of tomorrow MINNEAPOLIS – January 12, 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue…

IDeaS secures an exclusive partnership with Rotana

Largest hotel group in Middle East is the first in the region to implement IDeaS G3 RMS ABU DHABI – January 7, 2016 – IDeaS…

2015 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship winners announced

Eight Professionals Chosen for Certificates in Strategic Leadership and Revenue Management MINNEAPOLIS – January 5, 2016 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, a leading provider of revenue…

Restel implements IDeaS in all hotels

Leading Finnish hotel aims for increased revenue management efficiency through full adoption of IDeaS Revenue Management System (RMS)   Helsinki– December 7, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue…

Macdonald Hotels & Resorts boost revenue performance with IDeaS

Revenue increased by as much as 40 percent for Macdonald Aviemore Resorts Woodland Lodges LONDON – December 1, 2015, IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider…


Cairns Airport drives revenue with IDeaS Car Park Product and Price Optimization Services

CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA – November 23, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced that Cairns Airport…


Innovative Mellow Mood Hotels deploy IDeaS Revenue Management System across portfolio

BUDAPEST – November 23, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced the Mellow Mood…

Montenegro Stars Hotel Group extends IDeaS Revenue Management System across all properties

MONTENEGRO – November 10, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced the Montenegro Stars Hotel Group…


ACME Hotel gets hip to best-in-class revenue management with IDeaS

MINNEAPOLIS – October 15, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, announced today it has partnered with…


Prague’s Buddha-Bar Hotel implements IDeaS Revenue Management System

PRAUGE – October 13, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced the five-star Buddha-Bar Hotel…


IDeaS introduces Car Park Product and Price Optimization Services, partners with Mackay Airport

MACKAY, AUSTRALIA – October 6, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that…


IDeaS wins Brandon Hall Group Gold Excellence Award

MINNEAPOLIS – September 22, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, announced today that it has been awarded…


Berjaya Times Square Hotel partners with IDeaS to maximise revenues in competitive market

SINGAPORE – September 9, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, announced today that it has…


IDeaS delivers integrated revenue support for Echo Entertainment Group

SYDNEY – August, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced its partnership with Echo…


Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis chooses IDeaS to drive better revenue

MINNEAPOLIS – August 5, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced a new strategic…


Historic South African Vineyard Hotel transitions to latest IDeaS Revenue Management System

Cape Town – July 29, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced The Vineyard…


IDeaS drives improved revenue management for serviced apartment specialist Staycity

LONDON – July 28, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced a major revenue…


IDeaS listed as champion in leading industry study

MINNEAPOLIS – July 09, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced it has been…


Kempinski Hotel Mall of Emirates partners with IDeaS, deploys advanced analytics to optimise revenues

LONDON – July 7, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced Kempinski Hotel Mall…


IDeaS expands car parking team, focuses on growth

LONDON – June 18, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced the appointment of…


Independent hotels partner with IDeaS to improve performance in today’s complex market

MINNEAPOLIS – June 15, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software solutions and consulting services, today announced strong growth and…


SAS® and IDeaS earn highest ranking in business intelligence market study

MINNEAPOLIS – June 9, 2015 – IDeaS Revenue Performance Insights™(RPI) and SAS Visual Analytics have been listed as a Champion in Info-Tech Research Group’s Business…


IDeaS expands reputation pricing solution, partners with Revinate to integrate social media into pricing

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced a strategic partnership with hotel reputation company Revinate,…


IDeaS and TravelClick announce research & development partnership

TravelClick, a global provider of innovative cloud-based solutions that enable hotels to grow revenue, and IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue…


IDeaS expands car park solutions in Australasia, partners with Sydney Airport

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and yield management software, services and consulting, today announced a partnership with Sydney Airport to implement IDeaS…


IDeaS named HTNG TechOvation Award finalist

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced IDeaS Function Space Revenue Management (FSRM) has been…


Sonesta ES Suites partners with industry leader IDeaS, focuses on growth

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced it has expanded its partnership with Sonesta International…


IDeaS aids revenue management strategy at New Zealand’s largest airport

Driving better revenue took new meaning today, as IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, announced a…


Driving better revenue for one million rooms

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today proudly announced it has reached yet another milestone as…


IDeaS names final round of 2014 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship winners

MINNEAPOLIS – December 17, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the second…


Quentin Hotels select IDeaS to boost revenue management strategy

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the global provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting today announced that Quentin Hotels has implemented IDeaS Revenue Management…


IDeaS appoints new managing director to guide business growth in Asia

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the appointment of Rachel Grier as Managing Director…


IDeaS announces partnership with Association of Serviced Apartment Providers in the UK

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced a major new partnership with the Association of…


Finland’s Kamp Group partners with IDeaS to drive revenue performance

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting today announced that Kamp Group, which includes Hotel Klaus K…


Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas achieves 15% RevPAR growth with IDeaS Pricing System

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, announced that Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas (Anantara) has achieved an…


IDeaS unveils first-to-market solution to maximize meetings and events revenue streams

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced its latest innovation in the science of revenue…


The Heathman Hotel selects market leader IDeaS Revenue Solutions to maximize profits

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced The Heathman Hotel, a member of the Preferred…


IDeaS announces 2014 winners of IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship

For the sixth year in a row, IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the winners…


BEST WESTERN PREMIER Kaiserhof Wien seizes opportunities for revenue growth with the support of IDeaS Revenue Solutions

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that BEST WESTERN PREMIER Kaiserhof Wien, located in…


IDeaS introduces first in revenue management technology

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced its newest revenue management capability: IDeaS Reputation Pricing…


IDeaS announces major partnership with Extended Stay America

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today unveiled a major revenue management initiative with Extended Stay…


Park Grand London Hotels and The Shaftesbury Hotels London deploy IDeaS RMS in key London properties

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Park Grand London Hotels and The Shaftesbury…


The MELIÃ Bali Hotel turns to IDeaS to enhance revenue in a competitive market

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the MELIÃ Bali has adopted IDeaS Revenue Management…


IDeaS celebrates 25 years of innovation and strategic growth

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today celebrated a quarter century of steady, strategic growth as…


Delta Hotels and Resorts select IDeaS Revenue Management System, consulting services to unify operations

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced Delta Hotels and Resorts, Canada’s leading hotel brand,…


Petit Palace Hotels in Spain choose IDeaS to boost revenue performance

IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting today announced a multi-faceted IDeaS Consulting engagement with Petit Palace…


The Hotel Windsor increases RevPAR by 9 percent in five months with IDeaS Revenue Management System

MELBOURNE – April 14, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that The Hotel…


IDeaS introduces powerful, dynamic reporting and visual analytics tool

MINNEAPOLIS – April 1, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today launched IDeaS Revenue Performance…


Inn on Biltmore Estate implements IDeaS RMS, realizes immediate results

MINNEAPOLIS – February 20, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced continued success…


IDeaS receives high honor

MINNEAPOLIS – February 18, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced it has been recognized…


AB Hotels deepens relationship with IDeaS

LONDON, UK –  January 28, 2014  – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, a SAS company and the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting…


IDeaS introduces hospitality industry’s first integrated mobile solution, updates revenue management product suite

MINNEAPOLIS – January 15, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today launched the latest versions…


Restel Hotel Group looks to IDeaS as Finland recovers from recession

LONDON, UK – January 14, 2014 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Restel Hotel…


Danat Hotels & Resorts turn to IDeaS to increase revenues

LONDON, UK – December 17, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Danat…


IDeaS and Sceptre Hospitality Resources announce integration to help hotels maximize productivity and revenue

MINNEAPOLIS – December 12, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, today announced…


CS Hotels, Golf & Resorts seizes opportunities for revenue growth through working with IDeaS

LONDON, UK – December 10, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that CS…


IDeaS announces final round of 2013 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship winners

MINNEAPOLIS – December 5, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry,…


Flora Hospitality Group equipped to drive better revenue performance with IDeaS

LONDON, UK – December 2, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting today announced that Flora…


Citymax Hotels turn to IDeaS to enhance growth opportunities

LONDON, UK – November 26, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Citymax Hotels…


Travelodge extends commitment to IDeaS as its revenue management solutions provider

LONDON, UK – November 14, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced it has strengthened its partnership…


IDeaS listed as a champion in Info-Tech Research Group’s 2013 Vendor Landscape on revenue management systems

MINNEAPOLIS – October 31, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry,…


IDeaS and Availpro integration set to streamline processes and drive growth

LONDON, UK – October 29, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the certified…


IDeaS supports Travelodge to instill new, centralised revenue management practices across entire estate

LONDON, UK – September 10, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, to the hospitality industry,…


IDeaS selected as the exclusive revenue management solutions provider for Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group

MINNEAPOLIS – September 5, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry,…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions announces winners of 2013 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship

MINNEAPOLIS – August 7, 2013 – For the fifth consecutive year, IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting…


Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas becomes first hotel group In Asia & the Middle East to adopt new IDeaS Pricing System

SINGAPORE, August 6, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, has announced that Anantara Hotels, Resorts…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions expands consulting expertise with new Price Optimization Service

MINNEAPOLIS– July 25, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, a SAS company and the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the…


IDeaS dishes up sales and catering services for hotels

MINNEAPOLIS– July 17, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, a SAS company and the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the…


The Eaton Chelsea, Toronto Hotel selects the IDeaS Revenue Management System to drive profitability

MINNEAPOLIS – July 11, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry,…


IDeaS selected by Shenzhenair Hotel as revenue management solutions partner to drive profitability

CHINA – July 1, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Shenzhenair International…


Hilton Worldwide partners with IDeaS on global revenue initiative

MINNEAPOLIS– June 24, 2013 – Hilton Worldwide and IDeaS Revenue Solutions – A SAS Company today announced their agreement to continue to deploy IDeaS G3 Revenue…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions adds Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta to its roster of revenue management clients

MINNEAPOLIS – June 20, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, today…


IDeaS to strengthen Atravis Hospitality Management’s approach to revenue management

CHINA – June 4, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, announced that Atravis Hospitality Management…


myhotels group positions for revenue success and business growth

LONDON – May 16, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, announced that myhotels group is…


Wanda Hotels and Resorts to expand IDeaS revenue management support across all group-managed hotels

BEIJING – May 17 , 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Wanda…


IDeaS provides Shanghai Institute of Tourism with an edge in revenue management education

Shanghai – April 17, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Shanghai Institute…


Hamilton Island works with IDeaS to grow revenue in a weaker market

SYDNEY – February 25, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that it…


PPHE Hotel Group selects IDeaS for its range of revenue management solutions

LONDON – February 12, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that PPHE Hotel…


A responsible approach to revenue management

LONDON – January 28, 2013 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Lefay Resort &…


Orient-Express extends partnership with IDeaS

LONDON – December 13, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Orient-Express Hotels will…


The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino selects the IDeaS Revenue Management System to drive profitability

MINNEAPOLIS – December 3, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality and gaming…


Bauer Hotels implements IDeaS RMS in key properties

LONDON – November 27, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that the luxury Venetian…


Cornerstone Hospitality, LLC selects IDeaS Pricing System for the Craddock Terry Hotel

MINNEAPOLIS – November 6, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions,the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, today announced…


IDeaS and Guestline announce certified integration

LONDON and SHREWSBURY – November 5, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the fully…


IDeaS selected by Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group as exclusive revenue management solutions partner

LONDON – October 25, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that on the…


IDeaS awards six hospitality professionals with fall 2012 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship

MINNEAPOLIS – October 23, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, has…


Langham Hospitality Group adopts IDeaS Revenue Management System to enhance pricing performance across Asia-Pacific

SYDNEY and BEJING – October 8, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced The…


Loews Hotels & Resorts selects the IDeaS Revenue Management System for Loews Hollywood Hotel

MINNEAPOLIS – September 26, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, has…


The Hay-Adams in Washington, D.C. selects the IDeaS Revenue Management System

MINNEAPOLIS – September 18, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry, has…


Jin Jiang International Hotel Group looks to improve revenue performance of hotels through IDeaS engagement

SHANGHAI – September 13, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Jin Jiang…


Macdonald Hotels & Resorts focuses investment on revenue management

LONDON – August 23, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Macdonald Hotels &…


IDeaS assists Beijing Capital Airport Tourism Company in unleashing the power of sound revenue management

BEIJING – August 23, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that it…

IDeaS provides strategic revenue management support to Shanghai International Convention Center

SHANGHAI – August 16, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Shanghai…


Grand Skylight Hotel Shenzhen deploys IDeaS solutions and services for revenue optimization

SHENZHEN – August 8, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced that Grand…


The new Okura Prestige Bangkok embarks on the IDeaS revenue management pathway to enhance pricing capabilities

SINGAPORE – July 26, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced it is working…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions announces winners of 2012 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship

MINNEAPOLIS – July 25, 2012 – For the fourth consecutive year, IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and…


Fairmont Makati maximizes new property revenue through IDeaS pre-opening support

SINGAPORE – July 2, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced Fairmont Raffles…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions showcases affordable pricing system at HSMAI and HITEC Conferences

MINNEAPOLIS – June 19, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting to the hospitality industry,…


Gaming industry turns to IDeaS for integrated revenue support in Australia and New Zealand

SYDNEY – May 17, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the company…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions honored with “Allied Vendor of the Year” award from Minnesota Lodging Association

MINNEAPOLIS – February 1, 2012 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, has been named the “Allied…


IDeaS Revenue Solutions appoints new Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing

MINNEAPOLIS – January 5, 2011 – IDeaS Revenue Solutions, the leading provider of hospitality price optimization and revenue management software, services and consulting, today announced the appointment…


SAS ranks No. 1 on FORTUNE ‘Best Companies to Work For’ list in America

CARY, NC – January 21, 2010 – SAS, the leader in business analytics, is No.1 on FORTUNE magazine’s annual “100 Best Companies to Work For” list.…


IDeaS provides revenue management benefits to newly opened or acquired hotels

Minneapolis  – January 6, 2009 –  IDeaS Revenue Optimization, the leading provider of hospitality revenue management and optimization solutions and services, today announced its New Hotels Success…


IDeaS Revenue Optimization, premier supplier of hospitality revenue management solutions, to exhibit at ITB Berlin 2008

LONDON UK – February 5, 2008 – ITB Berlin represents the ideal springboard for IDeaS to continue sharing their pioneering revenue management solution to the marketplace. IDeaS…


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Elliott Mest
MFC Public Relations
+1 862-371-0511

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